Ponce de Leon never found the Fountain of Youth, but scientists
around the world still pursue the magic elixir. Until they find
the miraculous substance that will stop the aging process, however, the
safest, most effective way is to seek the many common foods, including
tea and nuts, that fight inflammation. Scientists believe that chronic
inflammation, which is caused by many factors including a lousy diet and
smoking, triggers symptoms of aging.
Add the following nine foods to your diet . They have special
nutrients to help fight inflammation to help you turn back the clock:
• Green tea. People who drink more than three cups
of green tea each day live longer, according to a Japanese study. Green
and white teas contain generous amounts of EGCG, a powerful antioxidant
linked to a lower risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, and
numerous types of cancer. Catechins, which are antioxidant compounds
found in green tea, may also protect aging eyes from glaucoma.
• Fish. Fatty fish, like salmon, tuna, and
mackerel, contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that fight many
of the diseases of aging, including cardiovascular disease. The American
Heart Association recommends two servings a week.
• Nuts. A handful of nuts any kind of nuts daily —
one to two ounces — contains liberal amounts of inflammation-fighting
omega-3 fatty acids. One study found that those who ate nuts every day
had 60 percent fewer heart attacks than those who ate nuts less than
once a month. Nuts also help the production of elastin and collagen,
compounds that keep skin looking young. Read More