Friday, September 30, 2016

Bestselling Author Publishes Witty Diary About Turning 60

Sixty: A Diary of My Sixty-First Year: The Beginning of the End, or the End of the Beginning?

Ian Brown, a Toronto writer whose newspaper articles in The Globe and Mail and previous books have been widely praised, nonetheless worries about his legacy in a rich new book about turning 60: Sixty: A Diary of My Sixty-First Year.
He also worries about what’s happening to his body, what’s happening to his health, his masculine appeal, his finances and whether he is making the most of the years he has left.

As do many of us boomers.

Brown said he was inspired to write a day-to-day compilation of thoughts on life at this age because he didn’t see that anyone else had. Plenty of other volumes, including self-help books, talk glibly about reinventing aging as a “younger future,” Brown says. But he wanted to write “original, truthful, sad but amused, authentic writing on the subject of getting older…”

Looking Aging in the Face While Turning 60

Brown notes that older adults have been treated in Western society as if they are invisible; we deny that people get older, even as each of us does. “I thought it might be an interesting experiment to stare in the face of that denial, and keep track, at even the most mundane daily level, of the train coming straight at us,” he writes.

I hate having regrets, but at 60 they show up, sharp and aggressive, like nasty dogs. Click here to continue reading.

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