Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Age Factor for Dental Implants?

Holly, from New Brunswick, asks:
My mother is 70 years old and is considering dental implant surgery. She's had a full upper denture plate for most of her adult life and she hopes to avoid the pain, bleeding, and endless re-fittings that her own mother endured in the years before her death at 94. She's been told that due to lack of bone, however, she would need a graft (from the hip).
However, I am very concerned about the age factor and would like to know some
stats re. dental implant surgery vs. the age of the patient. Are there
any specific risks or potential complications that older patients
specifically need to consider? Are there a certain types of dental implant
that are more successful for older patients, or that hold up better as
they age?
Some details: My mother doesn't smoke or drink, other than the
occasional glass of wine with dinner, she eats well, and has been told
she does not have osteoporosis (as her mother did have), although she
is very petite at 5'2". She has arthritis (hands, shoulder, knees and ankles), for which she uses
over-the-counter pain medication (i.e. Tylenol), and she's been found
to have a slight iron deficiency in recent years, for which she's
taking iron supplements. She was taking hormones for many years (re.
menopause) but went off them a year or two ago on the advice of her
doctor (concerned about potential risks).
Overall, she's considered healthy, but I'm worried and would appreciate
some solid information and examples, from both doctors and anyone who's
had the surgery in their Golden Years.
Thank you in advance for your input.

Thoughts on “Age Factor for Dental Implants?
  1. Alejandro Berg says:
    Dear Holly:
    First you need to know that implants were initially developed for older patients that could not work a removable prothesis and later they have become the choice for younger patients, and also I am talcking about the original branemark ones and implants have been improved over the years.
    So as you can see no problems with age, specially in healthy non smokers.
    Having said that…. I have some thoughts about the graft. I would not go for a hip block in an older arthritic patient. Bluntly said there is a risk that she will have sequels to that surgery (i.e. motion problems, limping and its been heard of older patients that never realy walk correctly again). I would go with a human block like puross or similar, but that is just an opinion.
    Best of luck to your mom.
  2. Michael McBride, DDS, DABOI says:
    In my practice, I have had the priviledge of treating more than one thousand patients over 65 years of age with dental implants. Our records indicate about one third of these people are over 70. My criteria for treatment is health related, not age determined. Your mother can expect a good result and probably a longer life because of dental implants. At the very least, she will eat a better diet and feel more secure with a firm dental appliance. For a better quality of life, go for it!
    Mike McBride
  3. Holly:
    The Guinness world age record for implant surgery is held by a Mrs. Margaret Brown who was 94 years and 354 days old when she had two lower jaw implants placed by a general dentist in Ontario, Canada on June 13, 2002. She lived for another 3 years with successful denture retention. The dentist used Tenax implants which, at this time, are available only in Canada, South Korea and the Caribbean islands.
    While that is a charming show-and-tell example of anecdotal evidence, science strongly suggests that any implant system with regulatory approval would achieve the same results. (Jokstad A, et al Quality of dental implants. Int Dent J. 2003;53(6 Suppl 2):409-43.)
    Here’s more science. A peer-reviewed study of 133 patients without teeth who were 80 older ( Engfors et al, Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2004;6(4):190-8) concluded that “Implant treatment in the elderly patients showed treatment results comparable to those observed in younger age groups.” And another study showed that “Dental implant-retained and/or implant-supported prostheses are viable treatment options for older patients.” (Garg AK, et al. Dental implants and the geriatric patient. Implant Dent. 1997 Fall;6(3):168-73.)
    Concerning grafting with hip bone, I fully agree with Dr. Berg that the risk is significant and that your mother should investigate less traumatic methods. For a start, she should get cross sectional x-ray imaging of the intended implant site completed. These are inexpensive techniques which show bone shape accurately and enhance diagnosis and treatment planning.
    Best wishes to your mother.
  4. Mason Lee, MD, DDS says:
    You have some pretty valid surgical concerns for your 70 year old mother. But,I must say that age by itself and arthritis are not contraindications for reconstructing your mother’s upper jaw with a hip graft and dental implants. The only fairly well documented contraindications for implants and grafting include: steroid user, HIV+ patients, uncontrolled diabetics, smokers, and possibly oral/IV bisphosphonate users. Unfortunately, those patients who most need bone graft reconstruction are in their 60-80’s and most have some degree of mild arthritis. As you mentioned, your mother is fairly healthy with good cardiovascular or respiratory function. She should be able to tolerate the general anesthesia and surgical procedure. If the procedure is done correctly, your mother should have no hip joint problems as most hip grafts are harvested from the anterior iliac crest well away from the joint itself. Realistically, your mother can expect some post-operative bruising, tenderness/pain, and some initial limitation of weight bearing on the affected graft side. Most of these post-operative findings will disspate over the first week. Many of my patients leave the hospital after a 23 hours stay and are able to ambulate on their own with the help of a walking cane. Depending on the size of the bone graft reconstruction, you may want to ask your surgeon about an alternative tibial bone grafts. Hope everything works out for your mother. Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.


  1. Thank you so much for this write up. It's been awhile that i have been thinking to implants. Then through Dentzz Review came across this video of where a patient from Australia shares her experience to get the best treatment. I am really concerned about my teeth and want to go through and know as much before taking the big decision.

  2. I think that surgery at an older age is something that is always scary, but it can be done. I think you need to be brave and be a support system for your mom. I'm pretty sure she will be just fine! Good energy well help the whole process of surgery.

    Tyler Williford @ Marzo Smile
